Darcy Dunkle

  • 403.967.1220
  • darcy@drlegal.ca


Bachelor of Science, Administrative Sciences — Yale University
Bachelor of Laws — University of Alberta
Far from a stuffed shirt corporate lawyer, Darcy boasts that he hasn’t worn a tie to work in nearly 25 years. Despite his casual approach, Darcy possesses a wealth of knowledge and is highly respected in the fields of Business Law and Banking & Finance.


Darcy’s clients love his genuine and practical approach to the law. Our most prolific storyteller and bearer of wild nicknames, Darcy embraces the notion of workplace satisfaction and after 31 years in practice, always looks forward to meeting and assisting clients.


An innovator and pioneer of the abbreviated work day, when not assisting clients, Darcy finds time to travel and root for his university age son as he follows in his elite level hockey footsteps.